The Game vs 50 Cent Incident No.693...
Published by Warren Dell under on Thursday, January 19, 2006
A DVD featuring one of The Game’s protégés Teh Ghey trespassing on 50 Cent’s properties has been stopped by a lawsuit. Teh Ghey was filmed jumping over the wall of Fiddy’s Connecticut home and onto his basketball court where he proceeded to stealing the rim off of one hoop after he accidentally broke it while carrying out a slam dunk. The Game would later boast on Sirus Satellites West Hype Radio Show "We broke... 50's basketball court," and according to the show's DJ the rapper wore the rim around his neck at the studio, joking: "This is 50 Cent's rim from his backyard. This is my new bling-bling!" An injunction was served by 50 Cent and for the time being the DVD won’t see the light of day, although a search on various message boards will reveal links to various vendors taking orders and some with footage from the DVD.
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